Series of Poker Millions won > 자유게시판

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Series of Poker Millions won

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작성자 Renate Barraza
댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 24-12-19 20:38


Sheraton WTC in Sao Paulo was the place where the Brazilian Series of Poker, or shortly known as BSOP has been held. Since late November when the series have started many competitors tried to win the grand price, but as any other game, Online Betting there can be only one winner. The Brazilian Series of Poker is held for nine straight days, and features 36 events, employing 200 dealers and Online Betting over 20 000 players. The price money is $7 million Brazilian reais, which is $2.7 million in prize money. The so called cup or series first appeared in 2006 as the nation’s first series of poker, and in few years the series got to something we know today, the BSOP Millions, which is a tournament that is the second largest in the world behind World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.Best-Mobile-Casinos-in-Ireland-1536x878.jpg
평일(월 ~ 금)
09:00 ~ 18:00
토/일/공휴일 휴무
12:30 ~ 01:30
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